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Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service (VaFWIS)

Combined Help Document for Visitor Access Privilege

Each Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service web page offers a "Help" link to pop-up additional information relating to the context of the parrent page. This Combined Help Document is created by appending all these individual help pages.

^  Help for the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service (VaFWIS)

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Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

Help for the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service (VaFWIS)

Available as a World Wide Web Service at

The Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service (VaFWIS) web site data is maintained by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (VDWR). The web site purpose is to provide reports and analysis concerning fish and wildlife information resources used by VDWR agency biologists.

VaFWIS is based on observations of fish and wildlife along with literature for all native and naturalized species found in Virginia. Reviews performed by Department of Wildlife Resources biologists are summarized and indexed in an agency database called Biota of Virginia (BOVA). You will find species characteristics, habitat groupings, locations of occurrence, and management practices described within BOVA. Initial support for developing BOVA was provided by the Office of Surface Mining, the Bureau of Land Management, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. Development of BOVA followed "A Procedure for Describing Fish and Wildlife" developed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Eastern Energy and Land Use Team.

Registered subscribers have access to additional analysis used for scientific research, land management, permit review, and other regulatory review of projects. There is no charge to government agencies, non-profit organizations or public school systems. For other entities, there may be an annual fee. You may view the registration form VaFWIS_Use_and_Access_Agreement.html

If you wish to learn more about becoming a registered subscriber, please contact by email

"How To" documents can be found using "help" links located on most pages.

Appendix - The appendix to the visitor's user manual. Download the appendix ".pdf" document containing database descriptions and field definitions associated with the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service.

All VaFWIS Help Pages Combined -- The current VaFWIS Manual for Visitor Access Privilege is one extensive web page constructed by appending each individual help page.

[ VaFWIS_Help December 2012 ]

^  Introduction to the Fish and Wildlife Information Service

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Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

Introduction to the Fish and Wildlife Information Service

for Unregistered Subscribers

May 2015


  1. Introduction
  2. Accessing the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service
  3. Logging into VaFWIS
  4. The Disclaimer

A. Introduction

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (VDWR) Bureau of Wildlife Resources is pleased to provide access to the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service ("VaFWIS") via the Internet. VaFWIS will provide you with the capability of accessing the biological databases maintained by or available to the Fish and Wildlife Information Services (FWIS) Section of the Statewide Resources Division including lists of species with links to additional record data and maps are provided in a report. You are encouraged to provide comments on any aspect of this service.

Registered subscribers have access to data used for scientific research, land management, permit review, and other regulatory review of projects. There is no charge to government agencies, non-profit organizations or public school systems. For other entities, there may be an annual fee. If you wish to learn more about becoming a registered subscriber, please contact by email

Databases currently available to Unregistered VaFWIS subscribers are as follows:

Anadromous Fish Use Areas - This dataset identifies stream reaches that are confirmed or potential migration pathways, spawning grounds, or nursery areas for anadromous fish. The species included in this assessment are alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis), American shad (Alosa sapidissima), hickory shad (Alosa mediocris), striped bass (Morone saxatilis), and some populations of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Data associated with each reach include stream name, reach length, species confirmed in the reach, watershed, and upstream boundary. Upstream boundaries were established at impediments or where habitat became unsuitable.

Bald Eagle Concentration Areas and Roosts (BECAR) - Areas identified as important to Bald Eagles. This data is compiled and maintained by Department of Wildlife Resources biologists.

Bald Eagle Nests (BEANEST) - Nest sites of Bald Eagles. This data is compiled through cooperation between Department of Wildlife Resources biologists and Center for Conservation Biology.

Biota of Virginia (BOVA) - Virginia-specific information system begun in 1981 as a cooperative research project between VDWR and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI&SU) that contains a variety of information on over 2300 faunal species.

Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA) - a 5-year cooperative project between VDWR and the Virginia Society of Ornithology (VSO) that evaluated the status and distribution of breeding birds in the Commonwealth.

Impediments - This database contains information on the impediments to anadromous fish passage in the Atlantic Slope drainages in Virginia (Potomac, Rappahannock, James, York, and Chowan). Data were gathered from a variety of sources including this agency, USEPA, and Virginia Commonwealth University. Each impediment has several descriptive fields including impediment name, the name of the impeded stream, dam height, purpose of the dam, date constructed, etc.

Managed Trout Streams - contains biological, habitat and physicochemical data about each classified trout stream reach or specific collection location. Originally developed in 1981 by Department of Wildlife Resources staff in cooperation with VPI&SU, data collection has been ongoing since 1976. Coldwater streams have been assessed as either wild (classes I to IV) or stocked (classes V and VI)

Public Land Holdings - This dataset identifies land owned by Federal, State, or local government.

Threatened and Endangered Species Waters (T&E Waters) - This dataset identifies streams and rivers that contain documented occurrences of federal/state- or state-listed threatened or endangered species and their associated habitat. Each reach contains descriptive fields including stream name, upstream and downstream boundaries, status (“federal/state” or “state”), and length.

Data found within the various system components have been collected and compiled by numerous researchers, collectors, contractors and staff in and outside of Virginia. Their contributions to the knowledge base about the fauna of the Commonwealth are greatly appreciated.

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources would like to acknowledge several agencies instrumental in the development of this Service. Specifically, financial support was provided in part by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Norfolk District Office (Planning).

Disclaimer: The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources is not responsible for the use and interpretation of these data outside of the agency. While the Department strives to ensure that the data are as accurate as possible, errors can occur. The Department does not warrant the data as suitable for the use to which it is being acquired. Any questions concerning the use and interpretation of data should be directed to .

Note: You cannot edit data in this system. If you identify data errors, please notify by email at The issue will be researched and handled accordingly.

Additional comments or information may be directed to:

FWIS Coordinator
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
P.O. Box 90778
Henrico, VA 23228-0778
(804) 367-1000

The VDWR/FWIS On-line Service Help Desk telephone number is:(804) 367-2211.The Help Desk is staffed between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

B. Accessing the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service

Two steps; first from the VDWR's Wildlife Information and Environmental Services web page at

And then second, click on the link to “Virginia Fish & Wildlife Information Service (VAFWIS)”.

C. Logging In to VaFWIS

Virginia Fish and Wildlife Service Home Page This is the "Home Page" for visitors to the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Service. Without logging in (unregistered users), visitors may get lists of species using either "Species Information" of "Geographic Search" menu items. From each species in a list you can link to scientific information gathered using library literature reviews and research observations.

D. The Disclaimer

At the bottom of each page is a link to the Disclaimer. Each user needs to be familiar with the terms of the disclaimer which the user accepts when he or she uses the Service.

Disclaimer of Liability

Neither the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (VDWR) nor the contributors to the Fish and Wildlife Information Service (FWIS) shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information contained herein and assume no responsibility for the use of the information. In no event shall the VDWR or the contributors to the FWIS be liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental damages arising in any way out of the use of this service. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, alteration or use of record.

Disclaimer of Accuracy of Data

No warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, reliability, or usefulness of any information contained herein. The VDWR provides these data on an "as is" basis. All warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to fitness for a particular use, freedom from computer viruses, and non-infringement of proprietary rights are disclaimed. Information is added and changed periodically, and data may become out-of-date quickly. It is recommended that the user not let a significant period of time elapse between obtaining and using the information.

Disclaimer of Applicability of Data

The FWIS is constantly being updated and expanded. Information contained in the FWIS does not constitute an official opinion by the VDWR, nor will it, by itself, meet any regulatory requirements. The information in the FWIS does not replace the need for conducting field work. The information must be used in consultation with appropriate federal, state, and local officials. The absence of data confirming the occurrence of a species within a geographic area does not constitute a negative declaration.


A cookie is a small piece of data managed by your web browser and stored on your local computer. Our VaFWIS server uses a cookie to associate the event of you contacting our server and allows VaFWIS to coordinate responses based on your previous requests. No personal information is ever stored in a cookie. This web site does not connect this data with any personal information. Most browsers have cookies enabled by default, but you can usually change this setting to prevent cookies from being stored on your computer. You may use VaFWIS as a Visitor even without permitting your browser to store a cookie. For registered login, your browser is required to accept a cookie.

[ VaFWIS_Help_Introduction April 16, 2012 ]

^  VaFWIS Frequently Asked Questions

VaFWIS frequently asked questions (FAQ's October 2012)

[ VaFWIS_Help_FAQ October 18, 2012 ]

^  Help with Bald Eagle Search Map

Help using Bald Eagle Search Map

You may request a list of Bald Eagle nest sites, concentration areas, and roosts occuring within 3 miles of some location that you can identify by pointing on a map. Maps and reports specific to Bald Eagle are presented using this Bald Eagle Search Map ( to access the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service (VaFWIS). Bald Eagle information is just one component of VaFWIS Geographic Search. Please use VaFWIS ( Geographic Search to view additional information about Virginia wildlife resources in your area.

  1. Begin by defining your search area:
    • point the mouse at a place on the map of Virginia near a location of interest to you.
    • Click the mouse while pointing to chosen location and your selected map area will show in a pop-up window as a more detailed map having center at the point you clicked.
    • Using your mouse and controls available on the map window you can change the base map, pan the map North, South, East or West, and zoom in or out until you establish the point you want.
    • Clicking the "Submit" button on the map pop-up window will close the pop-up window and transfer the current map location to the Bald Eagle Search Map page.
    • Clicking the "Cancel" button will close the map pop-up window with no change in location.
    • A search distance of 3 miles from the "Currently selected point" will be used.
    • The "Currently selected point" coordinates is an "Input" control that you may enter North American Datum 1983 coordinates as from a GPS display rather than pointing at the map.
  2. Click "Report" button and a new Bald Eagle report page is displayed with:
    • Bald Eagle nest sites
    • Bald Eagle concentration areas and roosts
    • Links to view maps that emphisize specific sites
    • Menu items invoking VaFWIS multi-species search functions
  1. Browser Issues as of May 2011
    • Microsoft IE 8 - no known issues ( meta tag sets Emulate IE7 mode )
    • Mozilla Firefox 3+ - no known issues
    • Opera 9+ - no known issues
    • Apple Safari 4 - cursor style not changed; position off 2x2 pixels
    • Google Chrome 11 - cursor style not changed; position off 2x2 pixels
    • Microsoft IE 6 - change text size - map not resized; position is calculated correctly
    • Microsoft IE 7 - zoom - map position not correctly calculated when browser set for zoom in or zoom out ( set browser zoom at 100% )

^  Help with Species Information and Species Lists

DWR Shield logo

Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

Introduction to the Fish and Wildlife Information Service

Species Information and Species Lists

September 2009


Reviews of fish and wildlife literature for all native and naturalized species of Virginia are performed by Department of Wildlife Resources biologists and through contracts with universities and specialists. BOVA Booklet for Tiger salamander Their efforts are summarized and indexed in an agency database called Biota of Virginia (BOVA). Information is organized for each indexed species into a collection of reports called a BOVA Booklet. Initial support for developing BOVA was provided by the Office of Surface Mining, the Bureau of Land Management and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Development of BOVA followed "A Procedure for Describing Fish and Wildlife" developed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Eastern Energy and Land Use Team. Extensive literature exists for some species, but for many species there is little to no published information. BOVA represents the best effort to summarize all available information concerning Virginia's fish and wildlife. There is continuous effort made to ensure BOVA contains accurate and most complete information available. Inclusion or exclusion of any particular species from a list is based on information summarized from books, journals, and scientific reports made available to VDWR biologists. BOVA booklets may be viewed using links associated with any report that includes a list of species. Report Species List  Literature used in BOVA can be searched using Species Information References.

Get a List of Species

Two forms, Species Information By Name and  Species Information By Land Management allow you to view lists of fish and wildlife species, each with a link to a BOVA booklet.  You can also get a list of species using Geographic Search.

Species Information By Name Species List by Name

  Use Species Information By Name when you know: Species Information By Land Management Entry form for Species Infomation By Land Management

Use Species Information By Land Management when exploring:

^  Help with County, Quadrangle, or Hydrologic Unit Selection

Help for VaFWIS Unit Search

Vafwis Unit Search identifies a county, quadrangle, or hydrologic unit to narrow scope in a data search.
Species Infoamtion By Name of an administrative unit.

Click the radio button to designate which unit name list is to be presented. A page with available names and a map will pop-up.

Then you may select one unit name by:

Example County Unit map with mouse pointer hover over Craig County.
Example image of Unit Selection: Hover over Craig County.

Example County Unit selection after mouse click over Wythe County.
Example image of Unit Selection: Click on map Wythe County.

Example County unit name list when typeing "be"
Example image of Unit Selection: type letters "be".

example County unit selection when clicking on "Bedford" in the unit name list.
Example image of Unit Selection: Click on name "Bedford".

Click button "Use Selected".

^  Help using Species Information By Name

Help using Species Information By Name to get a list of species.

Supply a value for any or all selection criteria:

  1. part of a common name or a Latin scientific name or a word found in taxonomy comments, such as "frog" or "ambystoma".
  2. select a subset area of the state
    • name for a City or County such as "Wise" or "Richmond".
      • City/County matches BOVA Booklet County Occurrence and, for Tier I & II species, matches counties based on 6th order hydrologic unit species association.
      • name of a U.S.G.S. 7.5' quadrangle such as "Burnsville".
      • name of a hydrologic unit such as "UPPER SOUTH FORK SHENANDOAH RIVER".
    • Species Taxonomic Category name such as "birds".
    • Conservation Concern name such as "Endangered".

To get a list of species associated near the name of a place on a map, use instead: Geographic Search By Place Name

VaFWIS Species Information "Name" search options

Searching "By Name" is designed to select a list of species using minimum input. As such, the intent is not to select an individual species using search criteria, but to provide a list. Rather than have complicated search critera options presented as a form for you to complete, criteria are assembled based on content and style of a single line request. It is easy to get a short list that includes the individual species desired, but you may not be able to refine your criteria to get only the exact list you desire. Species lists may be reliably selected using BOVA Species Codes or ITIS TSN numbers; but using those numbers is not a normal approach.

Refining The Search

Additional criteria classes ( administrative units, Taxanomic Group, Management Concern ) refine the search so that each species returned matches at least one selectcion in every criteria class.

^  Help using Species Information By Land Management

Help using Species Information By Land Management to get a list of species based on Land Use or Management Practices.

Supply a value for any or all selection criteria:

  1. Species Taxonomic Category name such as "birds".
  2. Land Use (Land Cover) such as "60:Wetland"
  3. Adverse Management Practices such as "306:Draining wetlands, marshes, ponds, lakes"
  4. Beneficial Management Practices such as "118:Developing/maintaining water holes, ponds, potholes, etc."
  5. Existing Management Practices such as "008:Restricting/regulating human use of habitats"

^  Help using Species Information References

Help using Species Information References

Reviews of fish and wildlife literature are performed by Department of Game and Inland Fisheries biologists and their efforts summarized and indexed in an agency database called Biota of Virginia (BOVA).

You may search over 11000 Citations for literature used in the compilation of BOVA.

Enter a key word in the space provided and then click the "Search" button to display a citation list.

^  Help Using Geographic Search

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Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources

Help using Geographic Search

You may request a list of species known or likely to occur near some location that you can identify by pointing on a map, or by entering coordinates such as available from a Global Positioning Satalite receiver, or by entering part of a name that can be found published on a U.S.G.S topographic map.

Reviews of fish and wildlife literature are performed by Department of Wildlife Resources biologists and their efforts summarized and indexed in an agency database called Biota of Virginia (BOVA). Extensive literature exists for some species, but for many species there is little to no published information. BOVA represents the best effort to summarize all available information concerning Virginia's fish and wildlife. There is continuous effort made to ensure BOVA contains accurate and most complete information available. Inclusion or exclusion of any particualr species from a list is based on information summarized from books, juornals, and scientific reports made available to DWR biologists.

A species list resulting from a Geographic Search is based on references for distribution of species in Virginia by City and County, by United States Geologic Survey 7.5 minute quadrange, by United States Geologic Survey Hydrologic Unit (watersheds), and by United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Hydrologuc Unit (watersheds). The point of interest and search radius you provide determin which will be used.

Pick a point of interest in Virginia and specify a radius around this point there by defining a search area. There are three ways to determine your point of interest:

Click "Report" button for a list of species known or likely to occur in your search area. Additional lists in the report include streams having sensitive aquatic species, streams used by anadromous fish, and a list of streams important to trout. Also a report concerning the Virginia Terrestrial GAP project describes your area based on the point of interest and the search radius.

^  Help using Geographic Search BY Map

Help using Geographic Search BY Map

You may request a list of species known or likely to occur near some location that you can identify by pointing on a map. If you know coordinates such as available from a Global Positioning Satellite receiver, then you may want to use Geographic Search By Coordinates. If you know part of a name that can be found published on a U.S.G.S topographic map, then you may want to use Geographic Search By Place Name.

A species list resulting from a Geographic Search is based on references for distribution of species in Virginia by City and County, by United States Geologic Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle, by United States Geologic Survey Hydrologic Unit (watersheds), and by United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Hydrologic Unit (watersheds). The point of interest and search radius you provide determine which will be used.

  1. Begin by defining your search area:
    • point the mouse at a place on the map of Virginia near a location of interest to you.
    • Click the mouse while pointing to chosen location and your selected map area will show in a pop-up window as a more detailed map having center at the point you clicked.
    • Using your mouse and controls available on the map window you can change the base map, pan the map North, South, East or West, and zoom in or out until you establish the point you want.
    • Clicking the "Submit" button on the map pop-up window will close the pop-up window and transfer the current map location to the Geographic Search By Map page.
    • Clicking the "Cancel" button will close the map pop-up window with no change in location.
    • The "Currently selected point" coordinates is an "Input" control. You may enter North American Datum 1983 coordinates as in Geographic Search by Coordinates.
  2. Change the "Search Radius" entry if you desire.
    • The area to be searched is defined with the location you choose at the center and including an area "Search Radius" distant from your chosen location.
  3. Click "Report" button and a new page is displayed with:
    • species known or likely to occur in your search area
    • streams in your search area having sensitive aquatic species
    • streams in your area used by anadromous fish
    • streams in your area important to trout.
    • a report concerning the Virginia Terrestrial GAP project describes your area based on the point of interest and the search radius.
  4. Browser Issues as of May 2011
    • Microsoft IE 8 - no known issues ( meta tag sets Emulate IE7 mode )
    • Mozilla Firefox 3+ - no known issues
    • Opera 9+ - no known issues
    • Apple Safari 4 - cursor style not changed; position off 2x2 pixels
    • Google Chrome 11 - cursor style not changed; position off 2x2 pixels
    • Microsoft IE 6 - change text size - map not resized; position is calculated correctly
    • Microsoft IE 7 - zoom - map position not correctly calculated when browser set for zoom in or zoom out ( set browser zoom at 100% )

^  Help using Geographic Search BY Coordinates

Help using Geographic Search BY Coordinates ( October 20, 2011 )

You may request a list of species known or likely to occur near some location that you can identify as coordinates such as available from a Global Positioning Satellite receiver. If you know part of a name that can be found published on a U.S.G.S topographic map, then you may want to use Geographic Search By Place Name. If you do not have a coordinate or name then may want to use Geographic Search By Map.

A species list resulting from a Geographic Search is based on references for distribution of species in Virginia by City and County, by United States Geologic Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle, by United States Geologic Survey Hydrologic Unit (watersheds), and by United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Hydrologic Unit (watersheds). The point of interest and search radius you provide determine which will be used.

  1. Change the "Search Distance" entry if you desire.
    • The area to be searched is defined as the location you specify expanded by a "buffer" zone of "Search distance" miles.
    • Values may range from 3 to 15 miles.
  2. Define your search area:
    • Enter coordinates for a location of interest to you following one of the accepted formats shown in the example.
    • For UTM coordinates, select appropriate North American Datum and UTM Zone values.
    • You may click "Show Map" for a pop-up window displaying your coordinates in the center of a detailed map. If your coordinates are UTM then you can verify the datum and zone selection.
      • Using your mouse and controls available on the map window you can change the base map, pan the map North, South, East or West, and zoom in or out until you establish the coordinate you want.
      • Clicking the "Submit" button on the map pop-up window will close the pop-up window and transfer the current map location to the Geographic Search By Coordinates form.
      • Clicking the "Cancel" button will close the map pop-up window with no change to the form.
  3. Click "Report" button and a new page is displayed with:
    • species known or likely to occur in your search area
    • streams in your search area having sensitive aquatic species
    • streams in your area used by anadromous fish
    • streams in your area important to trout.
    • Bald Eagle Concentration Areas and Roosts.
    • Habitat Predicted for Aquatic Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Wildlife Action Plan Tier I & II Species.
    • Habitat Predicted for Terrestrial Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Wildlife Action Plan Tier I & II Species.
    • Virginia Society of Ornithology Breeding Bird Atlas Blocks.
    • USFWS Breeding Bird Survey Routes.
    • Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count Survey.
    • Lists of Public Lands and watersheds
  4. Near Place Names from USGS Geographic Names Information System
  5. Example coordinates
    * Example coordinate formats all representing the same point:
    Latitude and longitude

    Note: both negative and
    unsigned longitude
    are West hemisphere.
    37,05,09 77,38,11 Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
    37,05,09 -77,38,11 Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
    370509 773811 Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
    37,05.1500 77,38.1833 Degrees, Decimal Minutes
    37.085833 77.636333 Decimal Degrees
    UTM East, North, Zone
    NAD 1927
    265661 4107443 18 meters zone 18
    799004 4109487 17 meters zone 17
    799004 4109487 meters (default zone 17)

    Note: a "complete" coordinate is made up of all parts needed to identify a point on a map. Latitude may be one decimal value or contain parts for degree, minute, and second. When Latitude is made up of parts then the parts need to be combined by comma (,) and presented using no spaces. Longitude is presented in the same manner as Latitude. When Latitude is provided then Longitude follows after a space on the same line. When UTM East is provided then UTM North and optionally Zone follow on the same line separated by space. A Tab character may be used in place of a space character.

  6. UTM Coordinate Creep

    Because typical VaFWIS reports represent landscape searches over thousands of meters, while using VaFWIS the DWR staff are not concerned about UTM coordinate precision within plus or minus 10 meters.

    Coordinates are represented as Latitude / Longitude within VaFWIS program modules. When a client chooses to display coordinates as UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator), values entered by the client will be converted to Latitude / Longitude within a precision of about 1 meter. Internal Latitude / Longitude values may be converted back to UTM for display with a precision of about 1 meter. Coordinate values may change slightly with each conversion. Converting UTM to Latitude / Longitude, and then converting that result back to UTM will likely result in a value within 2 meters of the original. The accumulated change in value is called "Coordiante Creep".

^  Help using Geographic Search BY Place Name

Help using Geographic Search BY Place Name (May 10, 2011)

You may request a list of species known or likely to occur near some location that you can identify a part of a name that can be found published on a U.S.G.S topographic map. ( names table download available from USGS Geographic Names Information System at Virginia road names and route numbers provided by the Virginia Geographic Information Network are also available as an option. If you know a coordinate such as available from a Global Positioning Satellite receiver, then you may want to use Geographic Search By Coordinates. If you do not have a name or coordinate then may want to use Geographic Search By Map.

A species list resulting from a Geographic Search is based on references for distribution of species in Virginia by City and County, by United States Geologic Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle, by United States Geologic Survey Hydrologic Unit (watersheds), and by United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Hydrologic Unit (watersheds). The point of interest and search radius you provide determine which will be used.

5 Steps to obtain a Geographic Search By Name

^  Help with Search Report

Help with Search Report (last updated: October 12, 2012)

Overview: The Project Review Report summarizes the threatened and endangered species, managed trout streams, anadromous fish use areas, Bald Eagle concentration areas, colonial waterbird colonies, threatened and endangered species waters, and state lands occurring within the search area.

Parts to this report:

^  Help with Mapping Window

Help with Mapping Window Close Window

This window allows you to measure distances or change the type, scale and size of the map you are viewing. You may add coverage layers, remove location rings, change the base layer map type, change the map center location, identify features and change the map scale all using this window. Below is an explanation of how to use the features. Please note that every time you make a choice, therefore changing some aspect of the map view, the map will automatically refresh.

Left of Map:

Above the Map:

Below the Map:

Printing the map:

VaFWIS Maps Measure Tool uses "background color" to show the drawn line. Under normal circumstances, to save ink, background-colors are not printed. Your browser needs to be enabled to print "background colors" in order to print the Map Measure line. Recommendation: disable printing of background-color when finished printing VaFWIS Maps.
Set Print for Background-Color as of May 2011:

Browser Issues with Zoom as of May 2011:

^  Credits

Credits September 2012

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (VDWR) would like to thank the Conservation Management Institute at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University for their cooperation in developing the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service. Without their expertise and support, this system would not have been possible.

VDWR would also like to thank the following organizations who provide data, assist in collecting and compiling data, or setting up procedures used on the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service.

Dataset Name Creator/Cooperator Description of Use
Biota of Virginia Database Logo for U.S. Office Of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement

Logo for U.S. Bureau of Land Management United States Bureau of Land Management

Logo for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Unites States Fish and Wildlife Service's Eastern Energy and Land Use Team

Logo for Conservation Management Institute
Conservation Management Institute

Logo for Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

This database is used to query species specific information.
Collections Database

Logo for Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Logo for Virginia Coastal Program of the Department of Environmental Quality

Logo for NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management

This GIS database locates wildlife as observed by professional biologists.

Data entry for the Collections database was funded, in part, by the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program at the Department of Environmental Quality through Grant #NAO4NOS4190060 of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended.

Bald Eagle Nests Logo for Center for Conservation Biology Center for Conservation Biology, College of William & Mary and Virginia Commonwealth University Sites of Bald Eagle nests.
Conservation Lands Database Logo for Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation DCR Natural Heritage areas of concern.
Breeding Bird Atlas Database Logo for Virginia Society of Ornithology
Virginia Society of Ornithology
This database is used to display and query Breeding Bird Atlas data.
Cold Water Streams Database

Logo for V.T. Dept. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Dept. Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University ,

Logo for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This database is used to query Cold Water Stream data.
Anadromous Fish Use Areas and Impediments Database Logo for Virginia Commonwealth University Biology Department Virginia Commonwealth University Biology Department,

Logo for Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Environmental Studies Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Environmental Studies,

Logo for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This database is used to query Anadromous Fish Use Waters and Impediments data.
Threatened and Endangered Species Waters Database Logo for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency This database is used to query Threatened and Endangered Species Waters data.

^  VaFWIS Use and Access Agreement

Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service Use and Access Agreement February 2014
Send original, signed form to:
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Attn: Environmental Services Section
P.O. Box 90778
Henrico, VA 23228-0778
As a condition for registered use of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources' (VDWR) Virginia Fish and Wildlife Information Service (VAFWIS), I understand and agree to abide by the following terms and qualifications that govern my access to and use of this system:

VDWR is not responsible for the use and interpretation of data from this service by individuals outside of the agency. While the Department strives to ensure that the data are as accurate as possible, errors can occur. The Department does not warrant the data as suitable for the use to which they are being acquired. Questions concerning the use and interpretation of data should be directed to Environmental Services Section of VDWR.

Data obtained from the VAFWIS are provided for information and planning purposes only and do not constitute an official legal opinion of VDWR.

I understand that the VAFWIS is a dynamic system and that I am responsible for ensuring that queries are conducted in a timely manner in relation to my particular needs.

I agree to acknowledge VDWR and the VAFWIS when data from this service are used in reports, publications, or in any similar manner.

I understand that VDWR agrees to provide documentation and helpdesk support for the VAFWIS and updates to it as needed.

I agree to fully identify any and all individuals with use of and access to the VAFWIS using the user-id and password assigned to me.

VDWR retains the right to terminate my access to the VAFWIS for violations of any of the preceding terms and provisions or other inappropriate use of the VAFWIS.

By signing this agreement, I declare that I understand the preceding terms and provisions and that I accept responsibility of adhering to the same.

User Signature


User Name (Please Print)




Phone Number

Fax Number

Other individuals using this Login Name
____________________ For VDWR Use Only ____________________

Date Received: ____________________

Date Access Established: ____________________

Assigned Login Name: ____________________

Assigned Password: ________________________

Comments: ____________________ Approved By: ____________________ Level: ____________________